class MapControl
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Add a camera event listener, invoked when a camera event occurs (e.g.
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Set up a listener object to catch floor changes made by either the user or the positioning service
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Invoke this method to restore the map to its default state (POIs shown based on their display rules, etc.
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Invoke this method remove any currently highlighted locations
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open fun create(@NonNull mapConfig: MPIMapConfig, @NonNull onMapControlReadyListener: OnMapControlReadyListener)
Create a new MapControl instance.
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Call this to deselect a location previously selected with selectLocation
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Disables live data on a specific domainType
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Enables live data on a specific domain and uses MapsIndoors standard graphic implementation
open fun enableLiveData(domainType: String, onLiveLocationUpdateListener: OnLiveLocationUpdateListener)
Enables live data on a specific domain
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Get the Building selection mode
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Get the currently selected building
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Returns the current MPFloor of the current MPBuilding in focus
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Returns the current selected floor index
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Get the zoom level that MapsIndoors is currently using for display icons etc.
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Get the currently selected venue
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Get the Floor selection mode
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Get the floor selector control object.
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Get a MPLocation by marker reference.
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Gets the current map style of MapsIndoors tiles
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Gets the Map View bottom padding
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Gets the Map View right padding
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Gets the Map View left padding
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Gets the Map View top padding
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Shows or hides the MPFloorSelectorInterface, i.e.
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Returns the current state of the current MPFloorSelectorInterface.
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Returns the current visibility state of the user location icon (blue dot)
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Call this method from the parent Activity/Fragment's corresponding method.
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Call this method from the parent Activity/Fragment's corresponding method.
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Call this method from the parent Activity/Fragment's corresponding method.
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Immediately triggers rendering of MapsIndoors data Useful for ensuring MPDisplayRule changes are shown on the map as soon as possible
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Remove a camera event listener
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Remove a floor update listener
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Select a building, optionally move the camera to the given building
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Sets the current visible floor to the given floor index one For floor names/floor index pairs check the value returned by getFloorHashMapTo unselect all floors, use NO_FLOOR_INDEX
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Selects a location based on a
object.Selects a location.
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Select a venue, optionally move the camera to the given venue
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Change the Building selection mode MANUAL causes the building to never change unless selectBuilding is invokedAUTOMATIC causes the building to be changed automatically when it is centered in the viewport
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Sets the given MPClusterIconAdapter handler
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open fun setFilter(@NonNull locations: List<MPLocation>, @NonNull behavior: MPFilterBehavior): Boolean
open fun setFilter(@NonNull filter: MPFilter, @NonNull behavior: MPFilterBehavior, @Nullable successListener: MPSuccessListener)
Use this method to display temporary locations, not points of interests location.
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Change the Floor selection mode MANUAL causes the floor index to never change unless selectFloor is invokedAUTOMATIC causes the floor index to be changed automatically when a building or venue has been selected
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Replaces the embedded FloorSelector with the given custom one.
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Use this method to highlight a list of MPLocation.
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A convenience wrapper
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Changes the styling of labels on the map.
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Sets the text size of labels
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Sets padding on the map.
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Sets the map style for MapsIndoors tiles
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open fun setOnCurrentBuildingChangedListener(onBuildingFoundAtCameraTargetListener: OnBuildingFoundAtCameraTargetListener)
Receive notifications when the current building changes
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open fun setOnCurrentVenueChangedListener(@Nullable onVenueFoundAtCameraTargetListener: OnVenueFoundAtCameraTargetListener)
Receive notifications when the map camera target enters a MPVenue (its boundaries)
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open fun setOnLocationClusterClickListener(onLocationClusterClickListener: OnLocationClusterClickListener)
Sets the given OnLocationClusterClickListener handler
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Sets a listener for when a location gets selected (programmatically or user-triggered)
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Set the map click listener.
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Set the marker click listener.
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Set the marker info window click listener.
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open fun setOnMarkerInfoWindowCloseListener(onMarkerInfoWindowCloseListener: MPOnInfoWindowClickListener)
Set the marker info window click listener.
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Enables/disables the info window on user-selected locations The info window is shown by default when the user selects a location (by tapping on it)
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Renders the icon set with updateDisplayRule at the last known user position on the map