
A collection of settings that can be applied to a MPDisplayRule

Can be used with MPDisplayRule to create a custom DisplayRule with these options

Alternatively, use applyOptions to update an existing DisplayRule with these options


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Create a new MPDisplayRuleOptions that can be used to bulk edit fields on a MPDisplayRule


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Set badge fillColor
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Set badge position
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Set badge radius
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Set badge scale
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Set badge stroke color
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Set badge stroke width
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Set badge visibility
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Set badge zoomFrom
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Set badge zoomTo
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Set extrusion color
Set extrusion color (hex color code e.g.
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Set extrusion height in meters
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open fun setExtrusionLightnessFactor(@FloatRange(from = "-1.0", to = 1.0) lightnessFactor: Float): MPDisplayRuleOptions
Set Extrusion Lightness Factor (-1.0 = Dark, 0.0 no lighting added, 1.
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Set extrusion visibility
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Set extrusion "zoom from" value, dictating from which zoom level the extrusion should stop being shown
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Set extrusion "zoom to" value, dictating from which zoom level the extrusion should stop being shown
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Set icon from bitmap
Set icon from drawable
Set icon from resource ID
Set icon URL (will be used to download the icon asset)
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Set icon placement in relation to the anchor.
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Set icon scale
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open fun setIconSize(width: Int, height: Int): MPDisplayRuleOptions
Set icon size (dp)
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Set icon visibility
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Set label text
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Set the max width for label text (in dp).
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Set the bearing value for the label, this value will only be applied when the MPLabelType is FLAT
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Set the graphic label object for the label, this value will only be applied when the MPLabelType is GRAPHIC
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Set the blur value of the label halo (in pixels) Blur is the halo's fadeout distance
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Set the color of the label halo (hex color code e.g.
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Set the width of the label halo (in pixels)
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Set the color of the label text (hex color code e.g.
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Set the opacity of the label text to a value between 0.0 and 1.
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Set the size of the label characters (in pixels)
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Set how the label should be rendered on the map
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Set label visibility
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Set the label "zoom from" value, dictating from which zoom level the label should start being shown
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Set the label "zoom to" value, dictating from which zoom level the label should stop being shown
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Set 2D model bearing (rotation in degrees)
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Set 2D model height in meters
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Set 2D model URL
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Set 2D model visibility
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Set 2D model width in meters
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Set 2D model "zoom from" value, dictating from which zoom level the model should start being shown
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Set 2D model "zoom to" value, dictating from which zoom level the model should stop being shown
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Set 3D model URL
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Set 3D model rotation around the X-axis in degrees
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Set 3D model rotation around the Y-axis in degrees
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Set 3D model rotation around the Z-axis in degrees
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Set 3D model scale as a multiple of its original size (1 is original size, 2 is double that, etc.
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Set 3D model visibility
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Set 3D model "zoom from" value, dictating from which zoom level the 3D model should start being shown
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Set 3D model "zoom to" value, dictating from which zoom level the 3D model should stop being shown
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Set polygon fill color
Set polygon fill color (hex color code e.g.
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open fun setPolygonFillOpacity(@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) opacity: Float): MPDisplayRuleOptions
Set polygon fill opacity (0.0 = invisible, 1.
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open fun setPolygonLightnessFactor(@FloatRange(from = "-1.0", to = 1.0) lightnessFactor: Float): MPDisplayRuleOptions
Set polygon Lightness Factor (-1.0 = Dark, 0.0 no lighting added, 1.
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Set polygon stroke color
Set polygon stroke color (hex color code e.g.
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open fun setPolygonStrokeOpacity(@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) opacity: Float): MPDisplayRuleOptions
Set polygon stroke opacity (0.0 = invisible, 1.
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Set polygon stroke width
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Set polygon visibility
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Set the polygon "zoom from" value, dictating from which zoom level the polygon should start being shown
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Get the polygon "zoom to" value, dictating from which zoom level the polygon should stop being shown
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Set general visibility value
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Set wall color
Set wall color (hex color code e.g.
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Set wall height in meters
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open fun setWallLightnessFactor(@FloatRange(from = "-1.0", to = 1.0) lightnessFactor: Float): MPDisplayRuleOptions
Set Wall Lightness Factor (-1.0 = Dark, 0.0 no lighting added, 1.
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Set wall visibility
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Set wall "zoom from" value, dictating from which zoom level the wall should start being shown
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Set wall "zoom to" value, dictating from which zoom level the wall should stop being shown
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Set the "zoom from" value.
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Set the "zoom to" value.