
This class tests the validity of a given MapsIndoors API key string. For an API key to be considered valid, it must have correct formatting, and have corresponding data available from the MapsIndoors backend.

The MapsIndoors SDK will validate API key validity internally, but this class is helpful if your application allows for arbitrary text input for MapsIndoors API keys, or you want to check API key validity prior to initializing the SDK.


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Check if the given MapsIndoors API Key is valid Note that the SDK doesn't need to be initialized in order to call this methodPossible callback error values:
  • null if the given api key is valid
  • INVALID_API_KEY if the given key does not exists, expired or has invalid formatting
  • NETWORK_ERROR if there was a network related issue when this method was invoked - The validity of the key is undetermined
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open fun checkAuthToken(@NonNull apiKey: String, @NonNull listener: OnResultReadyListener)
Check if the AuthToken set works for the given API key.
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Checks that the given API Key string format is a valid one The given API Key must contain only alphanumeric characters
