
This allows for an easy way to display a route on the MapsIndoors map. Each leg of the route can be shown individually and can be navigated by manipulating the selected leg index. Various customization options are available to adjust the polyline styling and camera behavior.


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open fun MPDirectionsRenderer(@NonNull mapControl: MapControl)


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open fun clear()
Clears the route from the map
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Gets the currently selected leg's floor index.
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Checks whether the route leg buttons are enabled or disabled
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open fun nextLeg()
Selects the next leg if possible.
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open fun previousLeg()
Selects the previous leg if possible.
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open fun selectLegIndex(legIndex: Int)
Manually set the selected leg index, on the set route.
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open fun setAnimatedPolyline(animated: Boolean, repeating: Boolean, durationMs: Int)
Enable/Disable the polyline animation, when displaying a route element on the map
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open fun setCameraAnimationDuration(durationMs: Int)
Set the duration of camera animations (ms).
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Set the fit mode of the camera, when displaying route elements on the map.
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open fun setCameraViewTilt(@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 90.0) tilt: Float)
Set the camera tilt.
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Set the default icon for route stops
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open fun setLabel(@NonNull labelProperties: MPDirectionsLabel)
Overrides the default label for middle steps in a route.
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Set a listener, which will be invoked when a new leg has been selected
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open fun setPolylineColors(foreground: Int, background: Int)
Set the color of the displayed polyline
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open fun setRoute(@NonNull route: MPRoute)
Set a route to be rendered.
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Enable/Disable the route end/start buttons from showing on the route.
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If set, we will show labels and icons from nearby Locations as additional contextual information about the end positions of the rendered route segment.


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