
open class MPLocation : MPEntity


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class Builder
MPLocation builder class


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open fun equals(o: Any): Boolean
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An array of aliases (search keywords, "familiar" names,etc)
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Gets this location's base type (Room, Building, Venue, etc.
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Gets the building this location's parent building, if any
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The categories that this location belongs to, if any
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Gets the description text, if any
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The externalId property, if set
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open fun getFloorIndex(): Int
The floor index if this POI is inside a building
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A floor's name (alias)
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Retrieves the Geometry of an MPLocation (MPPoint, MPPolygonGeometry, etc.
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An optional image url
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A liveUpdate element for the matching domainType
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The liveUpdates property, if set
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open fun getLiveValueForKey(@NonNull domainType: String, @NonNull propertyKey: String): Any
Gets a property from a LiveUpdate matching the domainType and propertyKey
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Gets the location settings
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An optional image The bitmap used in the marker if it has one.
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open fun getName(): String
Get the location's name
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In case of a MPPoint, the geometry object itself, if a MPPolygonGeometry, the anchor point or a calculated center
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An optional anchor point
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Returns a property on the location.
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open fun getType(): String
Gets this location's current type (office, meeting room, etc.) that sets its visual look and behaviour.
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Gets the administrative ID of the venue this location belongs to.
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open fun hashCode(): Int
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open fun initialize()
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open fun isBookable(): Boolean
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Returns whether the info window is currently shown
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open fun isPoint(): Boolean
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open fun setLiveUpdate(@Nullable liveUpdate: LiveUpdate)
Set a liveUpdate
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open fun setLocationSettings(@Nullable locationSettings: MPLocationSettings)
Sets the location settings
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open fun setPosition(@NonNull point: MPPoint)
Update the location's position
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open fun showInfoWindow(visible: Boolean)
Shows the info window of this marker on the map, if the marker is visible
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open fun toString(): String