
open class LiveTopicUtils


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open fun containsMultiLevelWildcard(topicString: String): Boolean
Checks if a topicString contains a multi level wildcard
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open fun containsSingleLevelWildcard(topicString: String): Boolean
Checks if a topicString contains a single level wildcard
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open fun generateLiveUpdateTopicFromLiveUpdate(liveUpdate: LiveUpdate): LiveTopic
Generate a liveTopic from a liveUpdate
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open fun isMatchingCriteria(subscribedTopic: LiveTopicCriteria, messageTopic: LiveTopic): Boolean
Checks if a LiveTopicCriteria and LiveTopic is matching
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open fun topicPartIsMultiLevelWildCard(topicPart: String): Boolean
Checks if a topicPart contains a multi level wildcard
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open fun topicPartIsSingleLevelWildcard(topicPart: String): Boolean
Checks if a topicPart contains a single level wildcard