open fun initialize(@NonNull appContext: Context, @NonNull apiKey: String): Boolean
Content copied to clipboard
Initializes the SDK
True if the given MapsIndoors API Key (apikey) could be set, false if this has already been called, etc.
app Context
The application context (not an activity/fragment's)
api Key
A MapsIndoors API key for this solution. Mandatory.
if the given appContext
is not an Application context
if the given API key has an invalid format
open fun initialize( @NonNull appContext: Context, @NonNull apiKey: String, @NonNull onLoadingDataReadyListener: OnLoadingDataReadyListener): Boolean
Content copied to clipboard
Initializes the SDK
True if the given MapsIndoors API Key (apikey) could be set, false if this has already been called, etc.
app Context
The application context (not an activity/fragment's)
api Key
A MapsIndoors API key for this solution. Mandatory.
on Loading Data Ready Listener
a listener to report back when data is loaded or an error happens while trying to load data
if the given appContext
is not an Application context
if the given API key has an invalid format