Sets a behavior for the map when calling MapControl#setFilter.

Has a default behavior:

  • MoveCamera = false
  • ShowInfoWindow = false
  • AnimationDuration = 0
  • AllowFloorChange = false
  • ZoomToFit = true



  • Private

    Creates an instance of MPFilterBehavior.


    • allowFloorChange: boolean

      Whether the filtering is allowed to change the floor if no results are visible on the current floor.

    • moveCamera: boolean

      Whether the filtering should move the camera to encompass the results.

    • animationDuration: number

      How long the camera movement should be animated for, set to 0 disables animation.

    • showInfoWindow: boolean

      Whether to open the info window if a single result is returned.

    • zoomToFit: boolean

      Whether the filtering is allowed to zoom in/out the camera.

    Returns MPFilterBehavior


allowFloorChange: boolean

Whether the filtering is allowed to change the floor if no results are visible on the current floor.

animationDuration: number

How long the camera movement should be animated for, set to 0 disables animation.

moveCamera: boolean

Whether the filtering should move the camera to encompass the results.

showInfoWindow: boolean

Whether to open the info window if a single result is returned.

zoomToFit: boolean

Whether the filtering is allowed to zoom in/out the camera.


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