A MapsIndoors geographical entity. A location can exist anywhere, but it is usually only used inside MPVenues and MPBuildings.




  • Private

    Creates an instance of MPLocation.


    • id: string

      The location's ID.

    • restrictions: string[]

      An array of restrictions placed on the location.

    • Optional geometry: MPGeometry

      The geometry of the location.

    • Optional properties: default

      The location's properties.

    Returns MPLocation


bounds?: MPBounds

The locations bounds

geometry?: MPGeometry

The geometry of the location.

id: string

The location's ID.

properties?: default

The location's properties.

restrictions: string[]

An array of restrictions placed on the location.

type: string

The type of the entity (eg. MPLocation).


  • get activeFrom(): number
  • Get the time location is active from.

    Returns number

  • get activeTo(): number
  • Get the time location is active to.

    Returns number

  • get aliases(): string[]
  • Get the location's aliases.

    Returns string[]

  • get buildingName(): string
  • Get the name of the building the location is in.

    Returns string

  • get categories(): string[]
  • Get the location's categories.

    Returns string[]

  • get description(): string
  • Get the location's description.

    Returns string

  • get externalId(): string
  • Get the location's external identifier.

    Returns string

  • get floorIndex(): number
  • Get the location's floorIndex.

    Returns number

  • get floorName(): string
  • Get the name of the floor the location is on.

    Returns string

  • get imageUrl(): string
  • Get the URL of the location's icon image.

    Returns string

  • get isPoint(): boolean
  • Get whether this location's geometry is a MPPoint.

    Returns boolean

  • get name(): string
  • Get the location's name.

    Returns string

  • get position(): MPPoint
  • Get the location's position.

    Returns MPPoint

  • get selectable(): boolean
  • Get the location's selectable flag.

    Returns boolean

  • set selectable(selectable): void
  • Set the location's selectable flag.


    • selectable: boolean

    Returns void

  • get typeName(): string
  • Get the location's type name.

    Returns string

  • get venueName(): string
  • Get the name of the venue the location is on.

    Returns string


  • Get a property of the location.


    Returns any

  • Get whether the location is bookable.

    Returns boolean

  • Stringifies the entity.

    Returns string

  • Creator for MPLocation, used to decode JSON from the MapsIndoors SDK.


    • Optional object: any

    Returns MPLocation


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