
This class represents a Display Rule, a MapsIndoors concept which describes a number of styling values for MapsIndoors objects. The values contained within dictates how the MapsIndoors SDK renders a given object on the map (POI, area, selection, model, etc.). Display Rule data can be edited through the MapsIndoors CMS, and can be modified on runtime in SDKs. Invoke reset on a MPDisplayRule to reset all values to those from the CMS.


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Create an empty MPDisplayRule.
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Create an empty MPDisplayRule.
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open fun MPDisplayRule(@NonNull id: String)
Create an empty MPDisplayRule.


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Bulk update this Rule with the fields set in the MPDisplayRuleOptions
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The fill color of the badge, given as a hex-color string in the form of #AARRGGBB or #RRGGBB
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The position of the badge relative to the icon, when an icon is visible
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the radius of the badge fill color.
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Get the scale of the badge
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Get the color of the stroke around the badge, given as a hex-color string in the form of #AARRGGBB or #RRGGBB
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The width of the stroke line around the badge in screen pixels (PX)
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get badge "zoom from" value, dictating from which zoom level the badge should stop being shown
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get badge "zoom to" value, dictating from which zoom level the badge should stop being shown
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Get extrusion color (hex color code e.g.
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Get extrusion height in meters
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Get the extrusion Lightness Factor (-1.0 = Dark, 0.0 no lighting added, 1.
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Get extrusion "zoom from" value, dictating from which zoom level the extrusion should stop being shown
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Get extrusion "zoom to" value, dictating from which zoom level the extrusion should stop being shown
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Get the display rule's icon asynchronously
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Get icon placement
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Get icon scale
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Get icon size
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Get the icon URL
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open fun getId(): String
The ID of this rule, it can take the following forms
  • Default rule: "default"
  • CMS main rule: "main"
  • CMS type rule: The name of the type
  • CMS location rule: The location Id of the location
  • Custom rule: No clear form
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Get label text
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Get the max width for label text (in dp).
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Get the bearing of the label.
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Get the graphic label settings for the label.
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Get the blur value of the label halo (in pixels) Blur is the halo's fadeout distance
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Get the color of the label halo (hex color code e.g.
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Get the width of the label halo (in pixels)
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Get the color of the label text (hex color code e.g.
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Get the opacity of the label text as a value between 0.0 and 1.
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Get the size of the label characters (in pixels) (1 pixel is approximately 0.
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Get the type of label for the display rule
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Get the label "zoom from" value, dictating from which zoom level the label should start being shown
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Get the label "zoom to" value, dictating from which zoom level the label should stop being shown
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Get 2D model bearing (rotation in degrees)
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Get 2D model height in meters
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Get 2D model URL
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Get 2D model width in meters
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Get 2D model "zoom from" value, dictating from which zoom level the model should start being shown
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Get 2D model "zoom to" value, dictating from which zoom level the model should stop being shown
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Get 3D model URL
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Get 3D model rotation around the X-axis in degrees
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Get 3D model rotation around the Y-axis in degrees
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Get 3D model rotation around the Z-axis in degrees
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Get 3D model scale
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Get 3D model "zoom from" value, dictating from which zoom level the 3D model should start being shown
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Get 3D model "zoom to" value, dictating from which zoom level the 3D model should stop being shown
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Get polygon fill color (hex color code e.g.
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Get polygon fill opacity (0.0 = invisible, 1.
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Get polygon Lightness Factor (-1.0 = Dark, 0.0 no lighting added, 1.
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Get polygon stroke color (hex color code e.g.
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Get polygon stroke opacity (0.0 = invisible, 1.
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Get polygon stroke width
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Get the polygon "zoom from" value, dictating from which zoom level the polygon should start being shown
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Get the polygon "zoom to" value, dictating from which zoom level the polygon should stop being shown
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Get wall color (hex color code e.g.
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Get wall height in meters
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get the lightness factor for the wall
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Get wall "zoom from" value, dictating from which zoom level the wall should start being shown
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Get wall "zoom to" value, dictating from which zoom level the wall should stop being shown
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Get the "zoom from" value.
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Get the "zoom to" value.
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Get the visibility of a badge
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Set extrusion visibility
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Get icon visibility
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Get label visibility
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Get 2D model visibility
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Get 3D model visibility
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Get polygon visibility
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open fun isValid(): Boolean
Validate the current state of MPDisplayRule values
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Get general visibility value
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Get wall visibility
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open fun reset()
Resets the display rule to the original state.
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open fun setBadgeFillColor(@Nullable badgeFillColor: String)
The fill color of the badge, given as a hex-color string in the form of #AARRGGBB or #RRGGBB
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open fun setBadgePosition(@Nullable badgePosition: MPBadgePosition)
Set position of the badge relative to the icon, when an icon is visible
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open fun setBadgeRadius(@Nullable badgeRadius: Integer)
Set the radius of the badge fill color.
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open fun setBadgeScale(@Nullable badgeScale: Float)
The scale of the badge
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open fun setBadgeStrokeColor(@Nullable badgeStrokeColor: String)
The stroke color of the badge, given as a hex-color string in the form of #AARRGGBB or #RRGGBB
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open fun setBadgeStrokeWidth(@Nullable badgeStrokeWidth: Float)
The width of the stroke line around the badge in screen pixels (PX)
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open fun setBadgeVisible(@Nullable visible: Boolean)
Set the badge visibility wether it should be visible or not
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open fun setBadgeZoomFrom(@Nullable badgeZoomFrom: Float)
set badge "zoom from" value, dictating from which zoom level the badge should stop being shown
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open fun setBadgeZoomTo(@Nullable badgeZoomTo: Float)
set badge "zoom to" value, dictating from which zoom level the badge should stop being shown
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open fun setExtrusionColor(@ColorInt color: Int)
Set extrusion color
open fun setExtrusionColor(@Nullable color: String)
Set extrusion color (hex color code e.g.
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open fun setExtrusionHeight(@Nullable height: Float)
Set extrusion height in meters
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open fun setExtrusionLightnessFactor(@Nullable lightnessFactor: Float)
Set the extrusion Lightness Factor (-1.0 = Dark, 0.0 no lighting added, 1.
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open fun setExtrusionVisible(@Nullable visible: Boolean)
Set extrusion visibility
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open fun setExtrusionZoomFrom(@Nullable zoomFrom: Float)
Set extrusion "zoom from" value, dictating from which zoom level the extrusion should stop being shown
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open fun setExtrusionZoomTo(@Nullable zoomTo: Float)
Set extrusion "zoom to" value, dictating from which zoom level the extrusion should stop being shown
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open fun setIcon(@NonNull bitmap: Bitmap)
Set icon from bitmap
open fun setIcon(@NonNull drawable: Drawable)
open fun setIcon(@NonNull drawable: Drawable, @ColorInt tint: Int)
open fun setIcon(@NonNull drawable: Drawable, @NonNull tint: String)
Set icon from drawable
open fun setIcon(@DrawableRes resId: Int)
open fun setIcon(@DrawableRes resId: Int, @ColorInt tint: Int)
open fun setIcon(@DrawableRes resId: Int, @NonNull tint: String)
Set icon from resource ID
open fun setIcon(@NonNull iconUrl: String)
Set icon URL (will be used to download the icon asset)
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open fun setIconPlacement(@Nullable iconPlacement: MPIconPlacement)
Set the placement of the icon, in relation to the location anchor
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open fun setIconScale(@Nullable scale: Float)
Set scale of icon, default 1.
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open fun setIconSize(width: Int, height: Int)
Set icon size (dp)
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open fun setIconVisible(@Nullable visible: Boolean)
Set icon visibility
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open fun setLabel(@Nullable label: String)
Set label text
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open fun setLabelMaxWidth(@Nullable labelMaxWidth: Integer)
Set the max width for label text (in dp).
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open fun setLabelStyleBearing(@Nullable bearing: Float)
Set the bearing of the label.
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Set the graphic label settings for the label.
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Set the blur value of the label halo (in pixels) Blur is the halo's fadeout distance
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Set the color of the label halo (hex color code e.g.
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Set the width of the label halo (in pixels)
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Set the color of hte label characters
Set the color of the label text (hex color code e.g.
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Set the opacity of the label text to a value between 0.0 and 1.
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Set the size of the label characters (in pixels) (1 pixel is approximately 0.
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Set the label type of the location, which will change the rendering of the label
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open fun setLabelVisible(@Nullable visible: Boolean)
Set label visibility
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open fun setLabelZoomFrom(@Nullable labelZoomFrom: Float)
Set the label "zoom from" value, dictating from which zoom level the label should start being shown
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open fun setLabelZoomTo(@Nullable labelZoomTo: Float)
Set the label "zoom to" value, dictating from which zoom level the label should stop being shown
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open fun setModel2DBearing(@Nullable bearing: Double)
Set 2D model bearing (rotation in degrees)
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open fun setModel2DHeightMeters(@Nullable heightMeters: Double)
Set 2D model height in meters
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open fun setModel2DModel(@Nullable model: String)
Set 2D model URL
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open fun setModel2DVisible(@Nullable visible: Boolean)
Set 2D model visibility
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open fun setModel2DWidthMeters(@Nullable widthMeters: Double)
Set 2D model width in meters
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open fun setModel2DZoomFrom(@Nullable zoomFrom: Float)
Set 2D model "zoom from" value, dictating from which zoom level the model should start being shown
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open fun setModel2DZoomTo(@Nullable zoomTo: Float)
Set 2D model "zoom to" value, dictating from which zoom level the model should stop being shown
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open fun setModel3DModel(@NonNull model: String)
Set 3D model URL
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open fun setModel3DRotationX(@Nullable rotationX: Float)
Set 3D model rotation around the X-axis in degrees
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open fun setModel3DRotationY(@Nullable rotationY: Float)
Set 3D model rotation around the Y-axis in degrees
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open fun setModel3DRotationZ(@Nullable rotationZ: Float)
Set 3D model rotation around the Z-axis in degrees
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open fun setModel3DScale(@Nullable scale: Float)
Set 3D model scale as a multiple of its original size (1 is original size, 2 is double that, etc.
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open fun setModel3DVisible(@Nullable visible: Boolean)
Set 3D model visibility
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open fun setModel3DZoomFrom(@Nullable zoomFrom: Float)
Set 3D model "zoom from" value, dictating from which zoom level the 3D model should start being shown
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open fun setModel3DZoomTo(@Nullable zoomTo: Float)
Set 3D model "zoom to" value, dictating from which zoom level the 3D model should stop being shown
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open fun setPolygonFillColor(@ColorInt color: Int)
Set polygon fill color
Set polygon fill color (hex color code e.g.
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open fun setPolygonFillOpacity(@Nullable opacity: Float)
Set polygon fill opacity (0.0 = invisible, 1.
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open fun setPolygonLightnessFactor(@Nullable lightnessFactor: Float)
Set polygon Lightness Factor (-1.0 = Dark, 0.0 no lighting added, 1.
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Set polygon stroke color
Set polygon stroke color (hex color code e.g.
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Set polygon stroke opacity (0.0 = invisible, 1.
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open fun setPolygonStrokeWidth(@Nullable strokeWidth: Float)
Set polygon stroke width
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open fun setPolygonVisible(@Nullable visible: Boolean)
Set polygon visibility
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open fun setPolygonZoomFrom(@Nullable zoomFrom: Float)
Set the polygon "zoom from" value, dictating from which zoom level the polygon should start being shown
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open fun setPolygonZoomTo(@Nullable zoomTo: Float)
Set the polygon "zoom to" value, dictating from which zoom level the polygon should stop being shown
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open fun setVisible(@Nullable visible: Boolean)
Set general visibility value
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open fun setWallColor(@ColorInt color: Int)
Set wall color
open fun setWallColor(@Nullable color: String)
Set wall color (hex color code e.g.
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open fun setWallHeight(@Nullable height: Float)
Set wall height in meters
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open fun setWallLightnessFactor(@Nullable lightnessFactor: Float)
Set wall Lightness Factor (-1.0 = Dark, 0.0 no lighting added, 1.
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open fun setWallVisible(@Nullable visible: Boolean)
Set wall visibility
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open fun setWallZoomFrom(@Nullable zoomFrom: Float)
Set wall "zoom from" value, dictating from which zoom level the wall should start being shown
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open fun setWallZoomTo(@Nullable zoomTo: Float)
Set wall "zoom to" value, dictating from which zoom level the wall should stop being shown
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open fun setZoomFrom(@Nullable zoomFrom: Float)
Set the "zoom from" value.
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open fun setZoomTo(@Nullable zoomTo: Float)
Set the "zoom to" value.