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Invoked in case of a INVALID_API_KEY error when performing an internal http request


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Add a relation between a MPLocation and a MPDisplayRule.
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Adds the given listener that will be invoked each time a location source status changes
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open fun addLocationSources(@NonNull locationSources: List<MPLocationSource>, @Nullable onResultReadyListener: OnResultReadyListener)
Adds one or more location data sources Note that if this method or setLocationSources is not invoked, a MapsIndoors data source will be usedWhen this method is invoked, getLocations will be called on all the location sources registered only if any new sources has been added
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Add a one time listener to be invoked when MapsIndoors is ready
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open fun addVenuesToSync(@NonNull venueIds: List<String>)
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open fun applyUserRoles(userRoles: List<MPUserRole>)
Applies a list of MPUserRole to the user that will get the UserRole specific locations.
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Checks if there is on device data (embedded/locally stored) available.
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open fun destroy()
Clears the internal state of MapsIndoors SDK.
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open fun disableEventLogging(disableLogging: Boolean)
Disable SDK event logging through MapsIndoors.
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Retrieves the API Key that was set by using load
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Gets the MPAppConfig for the current API Key/language
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Returns a list of MPUserRole that is applied to the user
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open fun getAuthenticationDetails(@NonNull apiKey: String, @NonNull onAuthDetailsReadyListener: OnAuthDetailsReadyListener)
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Gets the MapsIndoors authentication token, if any has been set.
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Returns the list of the current solution's available languages
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Gets the MPBuildingCollection for the current API Key/language
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Gets the MPCategoryCollection for the current API Key/language
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Retrieve the default display rule (hardcoded display rule in the SDK).
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Returns the current solution's default language
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Retrieve the display rule for the given MPLocation Requires that a solution is loaded.
Retrieve the display rule for the given MPSolutionDisplayRule enum.
Retrieve the display rule with a given name.
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Gets the current SDK language
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Retrieves a MPLocation by its id
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Gets all locations (a list of MPLocation objects) for the current API Key/language
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Runs a query on all the available locations with optional MPQuery and MPFilter data
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Retrieves a list of MPLocation by external id(s)
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Retrieve the main display rule (defined in backend data and can be configured in the CMS).
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Gets the default location data source (MapsIndoors location data)
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Gets a list of available map styles
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Returns the current position provider, if any
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Gets the MPSolution for the current API Key/language
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Get the MPSolutionInfo data for the current API Key/language
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Gets the User Roles for the current solution Note that role names are localized
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Gets the MPVenueCollection for the current API Key/language
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Checks if the current api key is a valid one
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Checks if the SDK has been allowed to access the network
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open fun isReady(): Boolean
Returns true if MapsIndoors has been initialized and data has already been loaded
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open fun load(@NonNull applicationContext: Context, @NonNull apiKey: String, @Nullable onMapsIndoorsReadyListener: OnMapsIndoorsReadyListener)
Loads content from the MapsIndoors solution matching the given API key.
open fun load(@NonNull applicationContext: Context, @NonNull apiKey: String, @NonNull venueIds: List<String>, @Nullable onMapsIndoorsReadyListener: OnMapsIndoorsReadyListener)
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Remove a relation between a MPLocation and a MPDisplayRule.
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open fun removeLocationSources(@NonNull locationSources: List<MPLocationSource>, @Nullable onResultReadyListener: OnResultReadyListener)
Removes one or more location data sources When this method is invoked, getLocations will be called on all the location sources registered only if any sources has been removed
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Remove a onMapsIndoorsReadyListener
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open fun removeVenuesToSync(@NonNull venueIds: List<String>)
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open fun reverseGeoCode(@NonNull point: MPPoint, @NonNull onGeoCodeResultReadyListener: OnGeoCodeResultReadyListener)
Get a MPGeoCodeResult that contains lists of MPLocation by MPLocationBaseType, where the MPPoint is inside the geometry.
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open fun setAuthToken(@NonNull authToken: String)
Sets the MapsIndoors authentication token.
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open fun setLanguage(@NonNull language: String): Boolean
Sets the SDK's internal language.
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open fun setLocationSources(@NonNull locationSources: List<MPLocationSource>, @Nullable onResultReadyListener: OnResultReadyListener)
Sets one or more location data sources Note that if this method or addLocationSources is not invoked a MapsIndoors data source will be usedWhen this method is invoked, getLocations will be called on all the location sources registered
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open fun setNetworkOptions(@NonNull mpNetworkOptions: MPNetworkOptions)
Sets a MPNetworkOptions to use for all internal Backend Requests.
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open fun setOfflineMode(offlineMode: Boolean)
Allows or not the SDK to access the network (online data) This will directly affect the online state of the SDK
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open fun setPositionProvider(@Nullable positionProvider: MPPositionProvider)
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Main data synchronization method If not manually invoked, MapControl.create() will