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Adds a listener that gets called when a MPDataSetCache has been added/removed
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Gets a managed MPDataSetCache by it's id
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Returns the MPDataSetCacheManager singleton, if the MPDatasetManager has been initialized
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Returns a list of managed MPDataSetCache
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Fetches the sizes of caches
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open fun initialize(@NonNull context: Context)
Initializes the MPDataSetCacheManager
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Checks whether the MPDataSetCacheManager singleton has been initialized
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open fun removeDataSetCache(@NonNull dataSetCache: MPDataSetCache)
Removes a MPDataSetCache from the managed datasets
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open fun removeListeners()
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Removes a listener from the list of listener, that gets invoked when a MPDataSetCache has been added/removed
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Synchronizes all managed datasets MPDataSetCache
open fun synchronizeDataSets(@NonNull dataSetCaches: List<MPDataSetCache>)
Synchronize a list of MPDataSetCaches