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open fun MPDirectionsService(@NonNull context: Context)
Creates a MPDirectionsService object than can be queried for directions between different MPPoints
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Creates a MPDirectionsService object than can be queried for directions between different MPPoints


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open fun addAvoidWayType(highWayType: String)
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open fun addExcludeWayType(@NonNull highwayType: String)
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open fun clearWayType()
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open fun getMatrix(@NonNull origins: List<MPPoint>, @NonNull destinations: List<MPPoint>, @NonNull graphId: String, @NonNull onDistanceMatrixResultListener: OnDistanceMatrixResultListener)
Gets a matrix of distances and duration between points inside a a venue
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open fun query(@NonNull from: MPPoint, @NonNull to: MPPoint)
Queries the map for a path between two MPPoints These can be fetched from a MPLocation via getPoint
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open fun setIsDeparture(isDeparture: Boolean)
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open fun setRouteResultListener(routeResultListener: OnRouteResultListener)
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open fun setTime(date: Date)
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open fun setTravelMode(travelMode: String)