
open class MPPoint : MPGeometry

MapsIndoors GeoJSON's Point implementation


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open fun MPPoint()
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open fun MPPoint(latitude: Double, longitude: Double)
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open fun MPPoint(latitude: Double, longitude: Double, z: Double)
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open fun MPPoint(@NonNull coordinates: Array<Double>)
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open fun MPPoint(@NonNull point: MPPoint)
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open fun MPPoint(@NonNull latLng: MPLatLng)
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open fun MPPoint(@NonNull latitude: String, @NonNull longitude: String, @NonNull z: String)
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open fun MPPoint(@NonNull position: String)
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open fun MPPoint(@NonNull location: Location)


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open fun angleBetween(@NonNull dest: MPPoint): Double
Returns the heading from this MPPoint to another MPPoint.
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open fun asString(): String
open fun asString(iType: Int): String
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open fun distanceTo(@NonNull dest: MPPoint): Double
Returns the distance to the given location in 2D (using only lat/lng)
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open fun equals(@Nullable otherPoint: MPPoint): Boolean
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open fun getArea(): Float
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open fun getFloorIndex(): Int
Gets the floor index value
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open fun getLat(): Double
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open fun getLng(): Double
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open fun getRad(angle: Double): Double
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open fun getType(): String
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open fun isInside(@NonNull latLng: MPLatLng): Boolean
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open fun setCoordinates(@NonNull coordinates: Array<Double>)
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open fun setFloorIndex(floorIndex: Double)
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open fun setLat(latitude: Double)
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open fun setLng(longitude: Double)
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Creates a GeoJSON feature JSON string for this geometry
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open fun toString(): String


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val BBOX_NE_LAT: Int = 3
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val BBOX_NE_LNG: Int = 2
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val BBOX_SW_LAT: Int = 1
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val BBOX_SW_LNG: Int = 0
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The max distance a point is from another point to consider them the same point (used in equals
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val FLOOR_INDEX: Int = 2
Z / floorIndex index into the coordinates array
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val GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: String = "GeometryCollection"
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open val iType: Int
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val LAT: Int = 1
Latitude index into the coordinates array
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open var latLng: MPLatLng
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val LINESTRING: String = "LineString"
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val LNG: Int = 0
Longitude index into the coordinates array
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val MULTILINESTRING: String = "MultiLineString"
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val MULTIPOINT: String = "MultiPoint"
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val MULTIPOLYGON: String = "MultiPolygon"
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val POINT: String = "Point"
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val POINT_AREA: Float = 0.5f
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val POLYGON: String = "Polygon"
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open var tag: Any
Multipurpose object
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val TYPE_POINT: Int = 0
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val TYPE_POLYGON: Int = 4