A route from a origin to a destination broken up into legs.



  • Private

    Creates an instance of MPRoute.


    • Optional legs: MPRouteLeg[]

      The legs the route consists of.

    • Optional copyrights: string

      The copyrights for this route, if any exists.

    • Optional summary: string

      A summary of the route.

    • Optional warnings: string[]

      Any warnings issued for any paths on the route.

    • Optional restrictions: string[]

      All restrictions in place for the route.

    • Optional bounds: MPBounds

      The outer bounds of the route.

    Returns MPRoute


bounds?: MPBounds

The outer bounds of the route.

copyrights?: string

The copyrights for this route, if any exists.

legs?: MPRouteLeg[]

The legs the route consists of.

restrictions?: string[]

All restrictions in place for the route.

summary?: string

A summary of the route.

warnings?: string[]

Any warnings issued for any paths on the route.


  • Creator for MPRoute, used to decode JSON from the MapsIndoors SDK.


    Returns MPRoute


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