A leg of a MPRoute is defined as all steps between any context shifts (entering/exiting buildings, changing floors).

A leg is comprised of a list of steps as well as a startLocation and an endLocation.



  • Private

    Creates an instance of MPRouteLeg.


    • Optional steps: MPRouteStep[]

      The steps the leg consists of.

    • Optional distance: MPRouteProperty

      The distance of the leg.

    • Optional duration: MPRouteProperty

      The expected time it takes to traverse the leg.

    • Optional startAddress: string

      The address at the start of the leg.

    • Optional endAdress: string

      The address at the end of the leg.

    • Optional startLocation: MPRouteCoordinate

      The start coordinate of the leg.

    • Optional endLocation: MPRouteCoordinate

      The end coordinate of the leg.

    Returns MPRouteLeg


distance?: MPRouteProperty

The distance of the leg.

duration?: MPRouteProperty

The expected time it takes to traverse the leg.

endAdress?: string

The address at the end of the leg.

endLocation?: MPRouteCoordinate

The end coordinate of the leg.

startAddress?: string

The address at the start of the leg.

startLocation?: MPRouteCoordinate

The start coordinate of the leg.

steps?: MPRouteStep[]

The steps the leg consists of.


  • Parses the object to a JSON object that is compatible with the MapsIndoors SDK.

    Returns MPRouteLegParams

  • Creator for MPRouteLeg, used to decode JSON from the MapsIndoors SDK.


    Returns MPRouteLeg


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