MapsIndoors iOS SDK V3
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MPLocationService Class Reference

#include <MPLocationService.h>

Inheritance diagram for MPLocationService:

Instance Methods

(instancetype) - NS_UNAVAILABLE
(void) - getLocationsUsingQuery:filter:completionHandler:
(NSArray< MPLocation * > *) - getLocationsByExternalIds:

Class Methods

(instancetype) + sharedInstance


id< MPLocationServiceDelegatedelegate
MPLocationSourceStatus locationSourceStatus

Detailed Description

The LocationService acts as service for search and filtering in the full, aggregated collection of Locations. The service requests from all registered Location sources, both internal MapsIndoors and external. Get the shared instance through sharedInstance (MPLocationService).

Method Documentation

◆ getLocationsByExternalIds:

- (NSArray< MPLocation * > *) getLocationsByExternalIds: (NSArray< NSString * > *) externalIds

Get the Locations that have the provided external IDs associated. Multiple Locations may have the same external ID associated, so a request with e.g. two external IDs may return more than two Locations.

externalIdsThe list of external IDs to get Locations for.
An array of Locations that have the requested external IDs. The number of returned Locations may be higher than number of provided external IDs.

◆ getLocationsUsingQuery:filter:completionHandler:

- (void) getLocationsUsingQuery: (MPQuery *) query
filter: (MPFilter *) filter
completionHandler: (nullable mpLocationsHandlerBlockType) handler 

Get locations with given filter, query and callback handler block.

queryThe query object
filterThe filter object
handlerThe handler block


- (instancetype) NS_UNAVAILABLE

◆ sharedInstance

+ (instancetype) sharedInstance

Get the shared instance.

Property Documentation

◆ delegate

- (id<MPLocationServiceDelegate>) delegate

Set a delegate to be informed about the status of loading the locations of the current solution.

◆ locationSourceStatus

- (MPLocationSourceStatus) locationSourceStatus

The current status of the Location Source. The Location Service can not be used reliably until the status is MPLocationSourceStatusComplete.