Here is a list of all properties with links to the classes they belong to:
- d -
- dataSetCacheManager : MapsIndoors
- dataSetId : MPDataSetCache
- datasetId : MPLiveUpdateTopic
- dataSetId : MPSolution
- defaultDisplayRule : MPMapControl
- defaultFloor : MPBuilding, MPVenue
- defaultLanguage : MPSolution
- delegate : MapsIndoors, MPAppDataProvider, <MPBeaconProvider>, MPBeaconProvider, MPBuilding, MPCategoriesProvider, MPDataSetCacheManager, MPDirectionsRenderer, MPDirectionsService, MPDistanceMatrixProvider, <MPFloorSelectorProtocol>, MPLiveDataManager, MPLocationService, <MPLocationsProvider>, MPMapControl, <MPMessagesProvider>, MPMQTTSubscriptionClient, <MPPositionProvider>, MPRoutingProvider, MPSolutionProvider, <MPSubscriptionClient>, MPVenueProvider
- deliveredDate : MPMessage
- departure : MPDirectionsQuery
- departure_stop : MPTransitDetails
- departure_time : MPTransitDetails
- depth : MPFilter
- descr : MPLocation
- destination : MPDirectionsQuery
- destination_addresses : MPDistanceMatrixResult
- disableAutomaticLayoutManagement : MPFloorSelectorControl
- displayName : MPMapStyle
- displayRank : MPLocationDisplayRule
- displayRule : MPType
- distance : MPDistanceMatrixElements, MPGeometryContainmentMetadata, MPRoute, MPRouteLeg, MPRouteStep
- domainType : MPLiveUpdateTopic
- duration : MPDistanceMatrixElements, MPRoute, MPRouteLeg, MPRouteStep