MapsIndoors iOS SDK V3
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CMPAvailabilityLiveUpdateModel for live availability information for a given Location
 CMPBookingAuthConfigBooking authentication configuration model. This may be used if the MPBookingService should book on behalf of an authenticated user
 CMPCO2LiveUpdateModel for live CO2 measurement for a given Location
 CMPCountLiveUpdateModel for live event information for a given Location
 C<MPDataSetCacheManagerSizeDelegate>Delegate protocol for getting callbacks when determining the size af dataset syncs
 CMPDirectionsRendererContextualInfoSettingsSettings for showing contextual info along the rendered route
 CMPHumidityLiveUpdateModel for live humidity measurement for a given Location
 CMPLiveDataInfoLive Data information model. Holds the currently active domain types for a dataset
 CMPLiveDataManagerThe Live Data Manager class is the central class for managing Live Update subscriptions
 C<MPLiveDataManagerDelegate>Live Data Manager Delegate protocol. Conforming to this protocol makes it possible to get Live Updates, state changes, errors and other calls from MPLiveDataManager
 CMPLiveDomainTypeConvenience class for static Live Domain Types
 CMPLiveUpdateModel for a Live Update. Used in MPLiveDataManagerDelegate and MPLocation::getLiveUpdate()
 CMPLiveUpdateTopicTopic model for a Live Update. A Live Update Topic is hierarchical in the way it is defined, and its relation to MapsIndoors data is derivable by its 7 components: Dataset, Venue, Building, Floor, Room, Location and Domain Type
 C<MPMapsIndoorsDelegate>MapsIndoors delegate protocol
 CMPOccupancyLiveUpdateModel for live occupancy information for a given Location
 CMPPositionLiveUpdateModel for live position information for a given Location
 CMPTemperatureLiveUpdateModel for live temperature measurement for a given Location