Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- i -
- icon : MPLocation, MPLocationDisplayRule, MPLocationUpdate, MPTransitLine, MPTransitVehicle, MPType
- iconMapAnchor : MPLocationUpdate
- iconPath : MPLocationDisplayRule
- iconSize : MPLocationDisplayRule
- iconUrl : MPLocation, MPLocationUpdate, MPMenuItem
- image : MPLocation, MPMessage
- imagePath : MPMessage
- imageProvider : MapsIndoors
- imageResize:andResizeTo: : MPImageRenderer
- imageURL : MPLocation
- imageWithSize:opaque:fromLayer: : MPImageRenderer
- imageWithView: : MPImageRenderer
- indicatorView : MPLoadIndicator
- infoWindowForLocationCluster: : <MPMapControlDelegate>
- init : MPBeaconProvider, MPDirectionsQuery
- initOnView: : MPLoadIndicator
- initOnView:withText: : MPLoadIndicator
- initWithAccessToken: : MPBookingAuthConfig
- initWithArea: : MPRoutingProvider
- initWithDictionary: : MPUserRole
- initWithGeoSpatialObject: : MPGeometryContainmentMetadata
- initWithGMSBounds: : MPMapExtend
- initWithId: : MPDataSetCacheItem
- initWithLat:lon: : MPPoint
- initWithLat:lon:zValue: : MPPoint
- initWithLayer: : MPOnlineTileLayer
- initWithLocation: : MPLocation
- initWithLocations: : MPLocationDataset
- initWithMap: : MPMapControl
- initWithMapsIndoorsSolutionId:googleApiKey: : MPRoutingProvider
- initWithName:AndIcon:AndZoomLevelOn: : MPLocationDisplayRule
- initWithName:AndIcon:AndZoomLevelOn:AndShowLabel: : MPLocationDisplayRule
- initWithName:AndIconURL:AndZoomLevelOn:AndShowLabel: : MPLocationDisplayRule
- initWithName:AndZoomLevelOn:AndShowLabel: : MPLocationDisplayRule
- initWithOrigin:destination: : MPDirectionsQuery
- initWithOriginPoint:destination: : MPDirectionsQuery
- initWithPoint:andName: : MPLocation, MPPositionIndicator
- initWithString: : MPMapStyle
- initWithTemplateString: : MPURITemplate
- initWithTenantId:deviceId: : MPWirelessPositionTopic
- initWithTopicString: : MPLiveUpdateTopic, <MPSubscriptionTopic>
- initWithValue:andType: : MPLocationProperty
- initWithVenue:andFloor: : MPFloorTileLayer
- initWithWirelessPositionData: : MPPositionResult
- intersectionAreaBetweenBounds:andBounds: : MPBuildingDataset
- isAPIKeyValid : MapsIndoors
- isAuthRequired : <MPAuthDetails>
- isBookable : MPLocation
- isCached : MPDataSetCacheItem
- isContained : MPGeometryContainmentMetadata
- isContainedInHole : MPGeometryContainmentMetadata
- isIndoors : MPLocation
- isManaged : MPBooking
- isMapLabelHaloEnabled : MPMapControl
- isOfflineDataAvailable : MapsIndoors
- isOfflineDataAvailableForSolutionId: : MPSolutionProvider
- isOfflineDataAvailableForSolutionId:language: : MPAppDataProvider, MPCategoriesProvider, <MPLocationsProvider>, MPMapsIndoorsLocationSource, MPVenueProvider
- isRenderingRoute : MPDirectionsRenderer
- isRunning : <MPPositionProvider>
- isSyncing : MPDataSetCache, MPDataSetCacheItem, MPDataSetCacheManager
- itemId : MPLiveUpdate