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<MPLocationsProvider> Protocol Reference

#include <MPLocationsProvider.h>

Inheritance diagram for <MPLocationsProvider>:

Instance Methods

(void) - getLocationsAsync:language:
(void) - getLocations
(void) - getLocationsAsync:language:completionHandler:
(void) - getLocationsWithCompletion:
(void) - getLocationDetailsAsync:withId:language:
(void) - getLocationWithId:
(void) - getLocationDetailsAsync:withId:language:completionHandler:
(void) - getLocationWithId:completionHandler:
(void) - getLocationsWithIds:completionHandler:
(void) - getLocationsUsingQueryAsync:language:
(void) - getLocationsUsingQuery:
(void) - getLocationsUsingQueryAsync:language:completionHandler:
(void) - getLocationsUsingQuery:completionHandler:

Class Methods

(BOOL) + isOfflineDataAvailableForSolutionId:language:


id< MPLocationsProviderDelegatedelegate

Detailed Description

Locations provider protocol.

Method Documentation

◆ getLocationDetailsAsync:withId:language:

- (void) getLocationDetailsAsync: (nonnull NSString *) solutionId
withId: (nonnull NSString *) locationId
language: (nonnull NSString *) language 

Method to query a unique location from the provider based on an id.

Use getLocationWithId instead
solutionIdThe MapsIndoors solution ID.
locationIdThe MapsIndoors location ID.
languageThe language code. Must be one of the MapsIndoors solutions supported content languages.

◆ getLocationDetailsAsync:withId:language:completionHandler:

- (void) getLocationDetailsAsync: (nonnull NSString *) solutionId
withId: (nonnull NSString *) locationId
language: (nonnull NSString *) language
completionHandler: (nullable mpLocationDetailsHandlerBlockType) handler 

Method to query a unique location from the provider based on an id.

Use getLocationWithId:completionHandler: instead
solutionIdThe MapsIndoors solution ID.
locationIdThe MapsIndoors location ID.
languageThe language code. Must be one of the MapsIndoors solutions supported content languages.
handlerThe handler callback block. Contains the MPLocation object (can be nil) and an NSError object (can be nil).

◆ getLocations

- (void) getLocations

Method to initiate fetching of all locations from the provider in the current translation ([MapsIndoors getLanguage]).

◆ getLocationsAsync:language:

- (void) getLocationsAsync: (nonnull NSString *) solutionId
language: (nonnull NSString *) language 

Method to initiate fetching of all locations from the provider in a specific translation.

Use getLocations instead
solutionIdThe MapsIndoors solution ID.
languageThe language code. Must be one of the MapsIndoors solutions supported content languages.

◆ getLocationsAsync:language:completionHandler:

- (void) getLocationsAsync: (nonnull NSString *) solutionId
language: (nonnull NSString *) language
completionHandler: (nullable mpLocationListHandlerBlockType) handler 

Method to initiate fetching of all locations from the provider in a specific translation.

Use getLocationsWithCompletion instead
solutionIdThe MapsIndoors solution ID.
languageThe language code. Must be one of the MapsIndoors solutions supported content languages.
handlerThe handler callback block. Contains the MPLocation object (can be nil) and an NSError object (can be nil).

◆ getLocationsUsingQuery:

- (void) getLocationsUsingQuery: (nonnull MPLocationQuery *) locationQuery

Method to query a subset of locations from the provider. Data is returned in the current translation ([MapsIndoors getLanguage]).

locationQueryLocations query object. Must at least define your MapsIndoors solution ID (MPLocationQuery.solutionId)

◆ getLocationsUsingQuery:completionHandler:

- (void) getLocationsUsingQuery: (nonnull MPLocationQuery *) locationQuery
completionHandler: (nullable mpLocationListHandlerBlockType) handler 

Method to query a subset of locations from the provider. Data is returned in the current translation ([MapsIndoors getLanguage]).

locationQueryLocations query object. Must at least define your MapsIndoors solution ID (MPLocationQuery.solutionId)
handlerThe handler callback block. Contains the MPLocationDataset object (can be nil) and an NSError object (can be nil).

◆ getLocationsUsingQueryAsync:language:

- (void) getLocationsUsingQueryAsync: (nonnull MPLocationQuery *) locationQuery
language: (nonnull NSString *) language 

Method to query a subset of locations from the provider.

Use getLocationsUsingQuery: instead
locationQueryLocations query object. Must at least define your MapsIndoors solution ID (MPLocationQuery.solutionId)
languageThe language code. Must be one of the MapsIndoors solutions supported content languages.

◆ getLocationsUsingQueryAsync:language:completionHandler:

- (void) getLocationsUsingQueryAsync: (nonnull MPLocationQuery *) locationQuery
language: (nonnull NSString *) language
completionHandler: (nullable mpLocationListHandlerBlockType) handler 

Method to query a subset of locations from the provider.

Use getLocationsUsingQuery:completionHandler: instead
locationQueryLocations query object. Must at least define your MapsIndoors solution ID (MPLocationQuery.solutionId)
languageThe language code. Must be one of the MapsIndoors solutions supported content languages.
handlerThe handler callback block. Contains the MPLocationDataset object (can be nil) and an NSError object (can be nil).

◆ getLocationsWithCompletion:

- (void) getLocationsWithCompletion: (nullable mpLocationListHandlerBlockType) handler

Method to initiate fetching of all locations from the provider in the current translation ([MapsIndoors getLanguage]).

handlerThe handler callback block. Contains the MPLocation object (can be nil) and an NSError object (can be nil).

◆ getLocationsWithIds:completionHandler:

- (void) getLocationsWithIds: (nonnull NSArray< NSString * > *) locationIds
completionHandler: (nonnull mpLocationListHandlerBlockType) completionHandler 

Method to query for a batch of locations given their ids. Data is returned in the current translation ([MapsIndoors getLanguage]). The order of the returned locations is indeterminate, and not in the order of the locationIds parameter.

locationIdsThe MapsIndoors location ID.
completionHandlercallback for result delivery.

◆ getLocationWithId:

- (void) getLocationWithId: (nonnull NSString *) locationId

Method to query a unique location from the provider based on an id. Data is returned in the current translation ([MapsIndoors getLanguage]).

locationIdThe MapsIndoors location ID.

◆ getLocationWithId:completionHandler:

- (void) getLocationWithId: (nonnull NSString *) locationId
completionHandler: (nullable mpLocationDetailsHandlerBlockType) completionHandler 

Method to query a unique location from the provider based on an id. Data is returned in the current translation ([MapsIndoors getLanguage]).

locationIdThe MapsIndoors location ID.
completionHandlercallback for result delivery.

◆ isOfflineDataAvailableForSolutionId:language:

+ (BOOL) isOfflineDataAvailableForSolutionId: (nonnull NSString *) solutionId
language: (nonnull NSString *) language 

Determine if cached or preloaded data is available for the given solutionId.

solutionIdSolutionId to check for offline data availability.
languageLanguage to check for offline data availability.
YES if offline or preloaded data is available, else NO,

Property Documentation

◆ delegate

- (id<MPLocationsProviderDelegate>) delegate