Here is a list of all properties with links to the classes they belong to:
- l -
- label : MPLocationDisplayRule, MPRouteCoordinate
- labelMaxWidth : MPLocationDisplayRule
- language : MPDataSetCacheItem, MPRoutingProvider
- lat : MPLatLng, MPRouteCoordinate
- latestPositionResult : <MPPositionProvider>
- latestTimeStamp : MPBeacon
- layer : MPOnlineTileLayer
- layerType : MPOnlineTileLayer
- legs : MPRoute
- line : MPTransitDetails
- list : MPBeaconCollection, MPCategories, MPLocationDataset, MPMessageDataset
- lng : MPLatLng, MPRouteCoordinate
- local_icon : MPTransitVehicle
- location : MPBookableQuery, MPBooking, MPBookingsQuery, MPTransitStop
- locationClusteringEnabled : MPMapControl
- locationHideOnIconOverlapEnabled : MPMapControl
- locationHighlightDisplayRule : MPMapControl
- locationId : MPBooking, MPLiveUpdateTopic, MPLocation, MPLocationUpdate, MPMessage
- locations : MPFilter
- locationServicesActive : <MPPositionProvider>
- locationSourceStatus : MPLocationService
- locationsProvider : MapsIndoors
- locationType : MPBookableQuery