


Name Type Attributes Default Description
visible boolean <optional>
true Whether the Location's is visible.
clickable boolean <optional>
true Whether the Location can be clicked on.
zoomFrom number <optional>
16 The minimum zoom level at which the Location's is visible.
zoomTo number <optional>
999 The maximum zoom level at which the Location's is visible.
icon string <optional>
"" The URL to the icon image.
iconScale number <optional>
1 The scale factor for the marker icon.
iconSize Object <optional>
{width: 20, height: 20} The width and height of the icon in pixels.
iconVisible boolean <optional>
true Whether the Location's icon is visible.
iconPlacement "above" | "below" | "left" | "right" | "center" <optional>
"center" The position of the badge on the map.
label string <optional>
"{{name}}" The text label to display next to the marker.
labelZoomFrom number <optional>
16 The minimum zoom level at which the label is visible.
labelZoomTo number <optional>
999 The maximum zoom level at which the label is visible.
labelMaxWidth number <optional>
0 The maximum width of the label in pixels.
labelVisible boolean <optional>
true Whether the Location's label is visible.
labelType string <optional>
"FLOATING" Sets the label type. Possible values include: floating, flat and graphic.
labelStyleTextSize number <optional>
12 Sets the size of the label text in pixels.
labelStyleTextColor string <optional>
"#1F2937" The label text color. See
labelStyleTextOpacity number <optional>
1 The label text opacity between 0.0 and 1.0
labelStyleHaloColor string <optional>
"#FFFFFF" The label halo color. See
labelStyleHaloWidth number <optional>
2 Sets the label halo width in pixels.
labelStyleHaloBlur number <optional>
0 Sets the label halo blur in pixels.
labelStyleBearing number <optional>
0 The bearing of the flat label in degrees from north.
labelStylePosition string <optional>
LabelPosition.TOP The position of the Floating Label relative to its anchor point.
polygonVisible boolean <optional>
false Whether the Location's polygon is visible.
polygonZoomFrom number <optional>
18 The minimum zoom level at which the polygon is visible.
polygonZoomTo number <optional>
999 The maximum zoom level at which the polygon is visible.
polygonStrokeWeight number <optional>
2 The width of the polygon stroke in pixels.
polygonStrokeColor string <optional>
"#3071D9" The color of the polygon stroke. See
polygonStrokeOpacity number <optional>
1 The opacity of the polygon stroke.
polygonFillColor string <optional>
"#3071D9" The color of the polygon fill. See
polygonFillOpacity number <optional>
0.2 The opacity of the polygon fill.
wallsVisible boolean <optional>
true Whether the Location's walls are visible.
wallsHeight number <optional>
2 The height of the Location's walls in meters.
wallsColor string <optional>
"#707a89" The color of the Location's walls. See
wallsZoomFrom number <optional>
18 The minimum zoom level at which the walls are visible.
wallsZoomTo number <optional>
999 The maximum zoom level at which the walls are visible.
extrusionVisible boolean <optional>
true Whether the Location's extrusion is visible.
extrusionHeight number <optional>
2.25 The height of the Location's extrusion in meters.
extrusionColor string <optional>
"#aeb9cb" The color of the Location's extrusion. See
extrusionZoomFrom number <optional>
18 The minimum zoom level at which the extrusion is visible.
extrusionZoomTo number <optional>
999 The maximum zoom level at which the extrusion is visible.
model2DModel string <optional>
null The URL to the 2D model.
model2DVisible boolean <optional>
true Whether the Location's 2D model is visible.
model2DZoomFrom number <optional>
16 The minimum zoom level at which the 2D model is visible.
model2DZoomTo number <optional>
999 The maximum zoom level at which the 2D model is visible.
model2DWidthMeters number <optional>
0 The width of the 2D model in meters.
model2DHeightMeters number <optional>
0 The height of the 2D model in meters.
model2DBearing number <optional>
0 The bearing of the 2D model in degrees from north.
model3DModel string <optional>
null The URL to the 3D model in GLB format.
model3DVisible boolean <optional>
false Whether the Location's 3D model is visible.
model3DZoomFrom number <optional>
16 The minimum zoom level at which the 3D model is visible.
model3DZoomTo number <optional>
999 The maximum zoom level at which the 3D model is visible.
model3DScale number <optional>
1 The scale factor for the 3D model.
model3DRotationX number <optional>
0 The rotation of the 3D model around the X axis in degrees.
model3DRotationY number <optional>
0 The rotation of the 3D model around the Y axis in degrees.
model3DRotationZ number <optional>
0 The rotation of the 3D model around the Z axis in degrees.
badgeVisible boolean <optional>
false Whether the badge is visible.
badgePosition "top_left" | "top_right" | "bottom_right" | "bottom_left" <optional>
"top_left" The position of the badge on the map.
badgeZoomFrom number <optional>
18 The minimum zoom level at which the badge is visible.
badgeZoomTo number <optional>
22 The maximum zoom level at which the badge is visible.
badgeFillColor string <optional>
"#3071D9" The fill color of the badge.
badgeRadius number <optional>
5 The radius of the badge in pixels.
badgeScale number <optional>
1 The scale factor for the badge.
badgeStrokeColor string <optional>
"#3071D9" The color of the badge stroke.
badgeStrokeWidth number <optional>
2 The width of the badge stroke in pixels.


  clickable: true,
  visible: true,
  iconVisible: true,
  zoomFrom: 16,
  zoomTo: 999,
  icon: "",
  iconScale: 1,
  iconPlacement: "center",
  iconSize: {
    width: 20,
    height: 20
  labelVisible: true,
  label: "{{name}}",
  labelZoomFrom: 16,
  labelZoomTo: 999,
  labelMaxWidth: 0,
  labelType: "FLOATING",
  labelStyleTextSize: 12,
  labelStyleTextColor: "#1F2937",
  labelStyleTextOpacity: 1,
  labelStyleHaloColor: "#FFFFFF",
  labelStyleHaloWidth: 2,
  labelStyleHaloBlur: 0,
  labelStyleBearing: 0,
  polygonVisible: false,
  polygonZoomFrom: 18,
  polygonZoomTo: 999,
  polygonStrokeWeight: 2,
  polygonStrokeColor: "#3071D9",
  polygonStrokeOpacity: 1,
  polygonFillColor: "#3071D9",
  polygonFillOpacity: 0.2,
  polygonLightnessFactor: 0,
  wallsVisible: true,
  wallsColor: "#707a89",
  wallsHeight: 2,
  wallsZoomFrom: 16,
  wallsZoomTo: 999,
  wallsLightnessFactor: 0,
  extrusionVisible: true,
  extrusionColor: "#aeb9cb",
  extrusionHeight: 2.25,
  extrusionZoomFrom: 16,
  extrusionZoomTo: 999,
  extrusionLightnessFactor: 0,
  model3DVisible: true,
  model3DZoomFrom: 16,
  model3DZoomTo: 999,
  model3DModel: null,
  model3DScale: 1,
  model3DRotationX: 0,
  model3DRotationY: 0,
  model3DRotationZ: 0,
  model2DVisible: true,
  model2DZoomFrom: 16,
  model2DZoomTo: 999,
  model2DModel: null,
  model2DWidthMeters: 0,
  model2DHeightMeters: 0,
  model2DBearing: 0,
  badgeVisible: false,
  badgeZoomFrom: 18,
  badgeZoomTo: 22,
  badgeRadius: 5,
  badgeStrokeWidth: 2,
  badgeStrokeColor: "#3071D9",
  badgeFillColor: "#3071D9",
  badgeScale: 1,
  badgePosition: "top_left"